
Thursday, November 27, 2008


We have been home a few days from China now and we packed up again for N.J. so we could visit my family for Thanksgiving. Our Mema had celebrated her 90th birthday while we were in China and it was so good to see her. My sister and brother in law are always so gracious and open their home to our clan. It is always great to get the cousins together and everyone enjoyed their time hanging out at my sisters, going to the playground across the street from their house, going bowling, and piling into 3 cars so we could all go out for the day The new dynamic was Grace and Macguire. They had a love hate relationship going and were still working on sharing when we left. They really did love being together and it was so fun to watch them. Poor Macquire had to share all of his toys and Grace thought they were all hers. My parents stayed over a few nights and we all had Thanksgiving together. We all have so much to be thankful for and God has richly blessed our families. It always amazes me the path God chooses for each family and how he lovingly gives us gifts that we are so undeserving of. We are so grateful for His love and mercy and continue to daily seek His wisdom for our lives.

Hope's first time bowling

Eamon and Hadyn

Hope with Daddy
Everyone checking out the scores

Hope cheering everyone on
Cousins, Kendall,Eamon,Macguire and Grace



Macguire and Grace riding in the jeep.Grace crashed into almost everything in the yard

Macguire and Grace doing some painting


Hope and Kendall

Macguire and Grace ready for another meal

Opa watching the game

Eamon banging on Macguires drum set

Happy 90th Birthday Mema

Oma working in the kitchen

Grace on the swings

Grace,Kendall and Macguire

Hope all bundled up

Hope loves the stroller

The boys playing basketball with Hannah

Eamon and Hadyn

Hannah and Hadyn

Opa with Macguire

Macguire and Grace playing nicely together

Hope loves to play in the dog food

Grace getting ready for bed


Anonymous said...

Good to see that you all had a happy Thanksgiving. We can't wait to see you soon.

The Robert McQuade Family

the author said...

Hope looks so adorable as the little pink lump all bundled up in the stroller. These pictures are precious and it's so great to see you enjoying your time back in the states, getting to travel and see family. We sure do miss you over here in Europe though!