
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Trinity Field Trip

Coop is officially over and now a bunch of our children are asking, What are we going to do on Tuesdays??? We can't just stay home and do school,no the weather is finally warming up and the dreary winter skies are replaced by bright sunshine. What is a mother to say??? Field trips, we will plan field trips. Mrs. M is my official social coordinator and she does an excellent job of planning and organizing all sorts of events. The official Trinity trippers field trips begin. Trinity is the name of our church and there are many families who did coop and now want to join the field trips. Mrs M contacts everyone and we are ready. Our first outting is to the Wildlife park and bird show. It was a great time of fun and fellowship.

Trinity Field Trip

Monday, May 19, 2008

Homeschool Coop Classes

This year the boys and Gracie took some homeschool coop classes. They all had a great time and had wonderful teachers. I taught in the 2-3 year old class with Gracie, where the little ones sang, danced and played, but the most enjoyed activity was snack time!! All the little ones were so cute and it was a joy to watch them all interact with each other. I also enjoyed the adult conversations with the other moms. The older boys learned a lot and really looked forward to coop day.

Homeschool coop classes

Sunday, May 04, 2008


Ken just sent us new pictures of Sophie. She is back at the orphanage and her lip surgery went great. I can't believe how wonderful her lip looks and only one week after surgery. I love this picture of her looking at Ken. They are finishing up the news special on Hearts and Hands International and we can't wait to see what else they filmed. It is so wonderful to be able to have these pictures and see Sophie being loved. I want to get on a plane and bring her home now,but having these updates helps make the wait a little easier.
I think Sophie may be a thumb sucker like her big sister.
Ken holding Sophie. We hope we get a chance to meet him. It has been such a blessing to have Ken contact us with all the updates and pictures.

Mrs Feng the orphanage director said the surgery went perfectly and Sophie was a real trooper. In a few months we will be hugging and kissing that sweet face!!!!

Friday, May 02, 2008

XinHui News Special