Every year it is our tradition to decorate the tree the day after Thanksgiving. The boys all look forward to getting all the ornaments out and I'm always amazed how many we have. Because of the weight of all the ornaments we have to tie the tree with a rope to the wall and we never manage to fit all the ornaments on . Gracie had a great time looking at all the ornaments and she loved hanging them on the tree. We can't believe that at this time last year we only had a picture of Grace and it was so hard knowing that she wouldn't be with us for Christmas. Now it is strange to think about her not being here with us. She brings great joy to all of us. She loves to sing. Right now her favorite songs are Amazing Grace, Holy,Holy,Holy and Jesus loves me. She usually enjoys singing these after she is in her crib for the night and the volume is always loud. The boys are telling stories of what they remember about each Chtristmas,this is fairly amazing since we have moved 9 times in the past 12 years. Ahh to be young with a great memory. This is all our favorite season. As we celebrate the birth of our glourious Savior we are amazed at his goodness and mercy to us. We are all so undeserving!!!
More than I could ask or imagine....
13 years ago